Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hidden Google Triforce

Today i noticed one again that the google whatever themed logo had a small but visible triforce logo in it. This isn't just a one off either. Its perpetuates many holiday logo's maybe all.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Coming Soon...

Hardwired Festival...

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Install signed app's on the college computers

  1. Go find yourself a self extracting, "setup.exe" style app (important), for example, spotify. The app probably can't have access to any of window's "lib" files, so for example, apps with the windows theme seem to not run (of what I have seen so far) - which is why spotify is perfect for this example.
  2. Run down to the library and go to the computers, and log on to the computer 3rd in. This computer doesn't stop you opening installers!
  3. Make sure you install it in "my documents" or whatever, because otherwise it will default install onto that, and only that, computer.
  4. Have fun! So far, I have spotifty, utorrent, chrome (although it currently only is on that library computer)

Friday, July 03, 2009

Run OSX/Linux/XP and in the darkness bind them.

Click to enlarge:

This picture shows a screen-capture of me simultaneously running Mac, Windows and Linux. Yeah!

This was achieved as follows:

Mac - Running natively, hosting the whole shebang.
Windows - Running in a VM provided by SUn Microsystems Virtual Box, with its special graphics driver
Linux - (This was by far the hardest) Was actually running on Dave's server, we logged in using SSH and tunneled an X11 session from the server to my Mac through the SSH protocol. 0_o

Actually you can tunnel all of Gnome (the Linux desktop) across but i couldnt screen cap it as it covered over my entire mac desktop =\.