Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Your salvation is here !

Okay... maybe it isn't but myself and Pgreen saw humanity's salvation today on the big screen.
At first from all the mixed opinions I have heard of this film I must say I held reserved feeling towards the film but soon not long after the curtains opened and the screen lit up I ate humble pie and big fat slice too.
From an average Joe's point of view the film is 'quite good'. However from my point of view (being a film student) it really is a good piece of work, with a few interesting opening scenes (no spoilers here) I couldn't help but take in the techniques used and think to myself "I haven't seen any other film use this for awhile." We have some crafty uses of great camera angles, filters, CGI and a good use of a Christian Bale.
Despite what you may think of Batman fighting machines instead of the joker is.... *AHEM*. I mean Christian Bale pulls off this character of a war worn and battered John Connor quite well if sometimes, a little OTT in doing so with a few uses of the infamous Batman voice (doing it again).
I was most impressed with how the film was syncronised with the others and how well it fit, as I can safely say I did spend a good 80% of my concentration trying to pick apart it's fitting with the other three films but was happily pleased with it. More importantly though I personnaly love a film which features cameos or references to others, in one scene we hear "You could be mine - by Guns 'n' Roses" appear which was the soundtrack to Terminator 2 and as your well aware if you've seen the trailers, Connor's line of "I'll be back", enough said there really.... and a really good few others which I'll save for myself ;)
All over I would reccomend screwing the bad reviewers with a giant 70ft mech with a 70" cannon for a head (like in the movie), or if you can't manage that going to see the film will do just as well as this really is worth your money in your pocket to go see.

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